
Open microphone

By: Jed Lewison from DailyKos 27/02/2009

Check this out - nothing funnier than an open mic :-)


Week 1

Hi everyone :-)

Our first Lecture for Networked Media was done by Michael Honey from Ice Lab (a Canberra based Design Studio). Apart from a standard Introduction to the course, including assesment, expectations etc. Michael Honey talked about one of the most major media network: The Internet. I realised even more how Facebook, MySpace, Google and blogs etc. are making the Internet even more popular and powerful, with people using these forms of communication veen more than ever.

I found it really interesting when Michael focused briefly on where the Internet all began, including various diagrams and pictures showing what the Internet used to look and Barner's-Lee original proposal for the Internet.

All in all, I'm looking forward to studying this unit as i've always been highly interested in the different types of media and communication, as well as production. I've never done a Blog before, but i do view several on a daily basis. One that i find really interesting is Digg.com which i was referred to by a friend from the U.K. basically stories are ranked according to how many 'diggs' they recieve from users. They also have a pretty cool Vodcast that i watch weekly. This is one of the funny videos 'dugg' that i noticed this past week- It's by the same people that did 'Jizz in my Pants' - I'm on a Boat - The Lonely Island.
